Meet the Expert

Perry Gartner
Consulting Partner, Outsell, Inc.
- 20+ years professional experience specializing in industry analysis, competitive intelligence and knowledge management
- Held management and directorial positions at numerous firms including SpaceX, Morgan Stanley, and Gartner Group
- During tenure leading competitive analysis at Giga Information Group, company became the fastest-growing firm in history of analyst industry
- Led propulsion data and knowledge management programs at SpaceX as company won NASA LSP and Air Force EELV certification
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Making Sense of the Analyst Industry: Best Practices for End Users
Consulting Partner, Outsell, Inc.
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Create a formal program to measure and evaluate analyst services.
Triangulate among as many sources as possible.
Information is power – network, network, then network some more.
Exploit free and low-cost sources.
The Squeaky Wheel – be vocal and proactive.

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Making Sense of the Analyst Industry: Best Practices for End Users:
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