Meet the Expert

David Crawley PhD
Founder, Ubiquity Robotics
- Dramatically reduced product development cycle time at blue-chip semiconductor company.
- Has lectured on Lean product development for startups at Stanford.
- Developed and applied novel transformation methods for change resistant organizations.
- Worked on both the research and the business process improvement side of R&D.
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Lean Product Development
Founder, Ubiquity Robotics
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Transform: a) the technical system, b) the mindsets and c) the management infrastructure.
When improving technical systems, first move to establish stability in your business processes.
The first aspect of a Lean technical system is 'Flow,' in which work moves from one stage to another without stopping or retreating.
The second aspect is 'Pace,' which means that product development activities should happen according to a regular rhythm.
Third and fourth are 'Pull' and 'Level,' meaning work should be customer-driven (pull) and bottlenecks resolved by moving resources to where they are most needed (level).
A Lean mindset entails robust learning cycles that are characterized by the sequence of Hypothesis, Experiment, Results and Conclusion.
A Lean management infrastructure entails three sets of activities: disruption, construction and refinement.

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