Meet the Expert

Jennifer Byrne
President, Quesnay Inc.
- Jennifer has over 20 years of experience across the mobile, media, financial services, and technology sectors. As an executive in both Fortune 100 companies as well as start-ups, she has led strategy, business development, partnerships, investments, product and marketing launches, and developed and ran innovation programs, with a proven record of driving revenue, results, and differentiation for her employers while building & supporting strong teams.
- Additionally Jennifer supports entrepreneurs through advising and investing in mobile-related startups, innovation platforms & accelerator programs in the US and internationally.
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Embracing and Leveraging Third-Party Innovation for Mobile and Other New Digital Products
President, Quesnay Inc.
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Assess internal skills to determine if the right mix exists to innovate with third parties that will supply core elements of a new product or service.
Establish cross-company communication so that all employees know about plans for hiring a third party to work on technological innovation.
Be open to adapting to new policies and processes that will enhance steps toward innovation.
Create a culture of experimentation where all efforts toward innovation are celebrated and studied for future plans.
Structure a process for innovation that includes a clear mission, so time and money will not be wasted on futile or duplicative efforts.
Train employees on the core capabilities of their own company before engaging in business with third-party vendors.
Inform the industry and entrepreneurs that the company is embracing innovation and is open for new ideas.

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Embracing and Leveraging Third-Party Innovation for Mobile and Other New Digital Products:
Best Practices
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