Meet the Expert

Stuart Spiegel
Principal, Spiegel Partners llc
- More than 30 years experience – including 20 years in digital – helping brands and businesses develop in both the analog and digital worlds.
- Senior market executive instrumental in e-commerce strategies at London-based ghd, Converse (a Nike company), Delivery Agent and QVC.
- Member of Nike’s Global Digital Commerce Leadership Team
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Leveraging Digital to Increase Brand Reach and Direct-to-Consumer Revenue
Principal, Spiegel Partners llc
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Identify the five most important drivers for building your business and brand online, then architect your digital and brand building activities around them.
Make sure that your online brand presence is consistent with your advertising, retail and packaging identities.
Engage your customer in conversation and use data to create a relationship with your customer over the long haul.
Level set your expectations; define KPIs and take a read of today’s results; create a three-year plan to ensure a steady course.
Establish rules of engagement between marketing, e-commerce and technology.
Assume that any interaction online is the same as walking into a company store, showroom or head office: Exceed expectations on all aspects of the experience.
Create a brand ecosystem that rewards the customer, and the business, regardless of the source of that revenue.

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Leveraging Digital to Increase Brand Reach and Direct-to-Consumer Revenue:
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