Meet the Expert

Cathie Bennett Warner
President, The CBW Group, Inc.
- 30 years of successful experience in public relations, public affairs, media relations, issue management, event management, women marketing strategies and non-profit development strategies.
- Media Strategist for numerous clients resulting in feature stories in New YorkTimes,, ABC World News, CBS Morning Show, San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post and numerous other digital channels.
- Senior management of the California Governor’s Conference for Women for three California Governors, a $4 million one-day event for 14,000 women.
- Senior management for three Governors’ Global Climate Summits, for world leaders from six continents.
- Event Producer for the California Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Collaborative featuring Governor Jerry Brown and 40 Fortune 500 companies, including 8 car companies.
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Developing and Executing Successful PR Strategies
President, The CBW Group, Inc.
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Develop a public relations plan with a specific business objective.
Establish clear metrics for evaluating success and results.
Earn public trust and media credibility by ensuring that public relations objectives and programs are embraced top-down as well as bottom-up.
Integrate public relations strategies and programs with other external and customer-facing activities.
Continually build on the momentum of public relations events to achieve visibility and enthusiasm for your product or idea.
Develop third-party endorsers for your product or initiative to leverage credibility and trust with the public and the media.
Address your core audience directly and repeatedly.

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Developing and Executing Successful PR Strategies:
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