Meet the Expert

Craig Lind
Owner, Lind Consulting LLC
- 27 years engaged in hands-on problem solving to help companies assess options for improvement, develop realistic business models and turn around unprofitable operations.
- Lind Consulting clients have included: Vinfolio, Master Replicas, El Camino Surgery Center, Shamrock Materials, Panamax, and Coit Services.
- As Managing Director of Regent Pacific Management Corporation, clients included: Scientific Micro Systems, Supermac Technologies, Uniquest, Daisy Cadnetix, Kraftmart, Prudential Bache, Chartpak and Clearprint.
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Company Turnarounds - Paths Forward and Out of Trouble
Owner, Lind Consulting LLC
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Don’t waste time trying to shift blame for your situation to your bank, the economy or someone else: Take accountability and focus on improving.
Preparation is critical: Take the time to understand the metrics and break down your business into its essential components.
Be realistic about the things you can’t control: Don’t base your turnaround plan on unrealistic assumptions.
Be honest and communicate effectively with stakeholders in order to reestablish credibility and confidence.
A turnaround requires a good leader: Be clear about your vision, your plan, and your expectations and lead with compassion.
Embrace adversity as an opportunity for improvement.
Develop sounding boards: Follow your instincts but also consider perspectives from independent sources that you trust.

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