Meet the Expert

Tom Cipolla
TrustedPeer Expert, TrustedPeer, Inc.
- Senior Vice President - Electronic Arts
- General Manager Americas Publishing
- 25 years of delivering revenue and profit across North America
- Grew North American Sales Revenue from $50M to $2B at EA
- Supplier-of-the-Year and Vendor-of-the-Year awards from Wal-Mart, Target, Toys R Us
- Additional Channel Partners: Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
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Channel Partner Management
TrustedPeer Expert, TrustedPeer, Inc.
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Estimate the size of your market as a periodic activity.
Keep a retailer scorecard to help track the health of the supplier/retailer relationship.
Create local customer teams – that is, teams that are located near a major retail partner's headquarters.
Create integrated marketing campaigns designed collaboratively between suppliers and retailers.
Product positioning is crucial for defining the product and delivering a clear message to customers.
Retailer exclusive products create opportunities for both suppliers and retailers.
Understand the distinction between consumers and shoppers, and conduct research to determine the behavior of both groups.

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