Meet the Expert

Tom Morton
Partner, CFO Performance Partners
- Operationally-focused CFO
- Diversified financial and business operations
- Significant experience in consumer products, manufacturing, IT consulting, professional services and health care industries
Meeting Packages from $500

Your Meeting Package Includes:
- All 7 Best Practices
- Pre-Meeting Discovery Process
- One-on-One Call with Expert
- Meeting Summary Report
- Post-Meeting Engagement

CFO's Value-Add for Small to Midsize Companies
Partner, CFO Performance Partners
See the first Best Practice free or
Purchase All Best Practices on this topic for $100.00.
Consolidating Operations: Know your business, understand present and future costs.
Build vs. Buy: Determine whether "building" or "buying" is the best way to expand your company.
Geographic Expansion: Learn your new market and what it takes to succeed in it.
Acquisition: Do due diligence on potential targets.
Divestiture: Understand the true impact on your operations.
Preparing to Sell Your Company: Weigh the timing, maximize value, then create a strong company narrative.
Handle Internally vs. Outsource: Assess your own cost and effectiveness, then demand specifics from potential vendors.

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Best practices today.
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(applies towards first Expert Package with Tom)

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CFO's Value-Add for Small to Midsize Companies:
Best Practices
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