Meet the Expert

Al Kluis
President, Kluis Commodities
- Commodity advisor since 1976 and introducing broker with R.J. O'Brien.
- Author of the weekly commodity newsletter, "The Al Kluis Report," and also the "Your Profit" column in Successful Farming magazine.
- Expert columnist for 13 years for Corn and Soybean Digest, which featured his "Marketing Strategies" column weekly.
- Has published two books on commodities trading. His co-author on the first book, Loren Kruse, is the now-retired Editor-in-Chief of Successful Farming magazine.
- Frequently quoted in major publications including the Wall Street Journal, and a frequent market analyst for the Linder Farm Radio News Network.
- Former executive director of the Minnesota Soybean Association before entering the markets full-time. Alan's family still owns a farm in southwest Minnesota and Al enjoys helping with fieldwork when the markets allow.
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Agriculture Commodity Trading - Hedging and Risk Mitigation
President, Kluis Commodities
Target Audience
Procurement officers, risk management officers and related positions in private companies and investment funds; government officials who buy or trade in grain and grain foodstuffs; large-scale farmers.
CFOs and accounting departments, senior management teams and stockholders all have a stake in successful risk mitigation by firms with large food ingredient purchasing needs. Risk mitigation by governments around the world can protect food supplies and prices for consumers while improving government services. Stakeholders in farmer success include their families and, possibly most notably, their lenders.
Any entity that produces, purchases or sells grain as a commodity.
Food companies with revenues ranging from $25 million to $500 million that have not established a full team for trading/hedging services. Any government office looking to improve stability and control costs and risks in food purchases. Individual farmers with revenue of $2 million or more.
Agriculture Commodity Trading - Hedging and Risk Mitigation:
Target Audience
Expert Topic