Meet the Expert

John Berard
President, Credible Context
- President, Credible Context consultancy
- Board Member, International Association of Privacy Professionals
- Board Member, TRUSTe
- General Manager, Fitzgerald Communications
- General Manager, Fleishman-Hillard
- Deputy General Manager, Hill & Knowlton
Meeting Packages from $400

Your Meeting Package Includes:
- All 7 Best Practices
- Pre-Meeting Discovery Process
- One-on-One Call with Expert
- Meeting Summary Report
- Post-Meeting Engagement

Actionable Messaging and Competitive Positioning
President, Credible Context
See the first Best Practice free or
Purchase All Best Practices on this topic for $100.00.
Create a credible platform for market claims.
Establish transparent business practices.
Showcase a team of advocates.
Promote industry insight based on aggregate knowledge.
Participate in industry and community initiatives that align with the business.
Build and rely on a matrix of support for business decisions.
Always be able to answer the question: “What’s next?”

Access all 7 of John’s
Best practices today.
Best practices today.
John draws from years of experience to offer
you exclusive insights and tools.
Buy the full set for $100.00
(applies towards first Expert Package with John)

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Sign up for our Expert’s Package
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Schedule now for $400
(includes full set of Best Practices)
Actionable Messaging and Competitive Positioning:
Best Practices
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